Chili Palmer

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Beiträge erstellt von Chili Palmer

  1. Hi everyone!

    We will be pushing 1.1.2 over to the Public Test Universe at 4pm CDT today... and we could use your help on our new Tutorial system!

    We have detailed Patch Notes with Known Issues in a bit, but let's go over the details of how to help us collect bug reports and feedback, then we'll hit up the larger, more common Known Issues followed by Instructions on to get into PTU.

    For Tutorial bugs we ask that you use the following format:

    - Most recent hint given in Tutorial (if you can remember):
    - Physical location in Tutorial (especially in relation to objective; please be as specific as you can):
    - Bug encountered (be as detailed as possible and don't hesitate to use a screenshot!):

    To post a any bug related to the Tutorial or anything 1.1.2 related bug, head over to: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.c ... ug-reports

    For general 1.1.2 feedback, please go here: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.c ... u-feedback
    For Tutorial-specific feedback, please go here: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.c ... u-tutorial

    Frequently Encountered Known Issues with 1.1.2/Tutorial System

    - User folder and inventory.xml issues can frequently cause weapon ammunition to go missing, among other related inventory issues; this will be fixed this summer when we introduce server-side inventory management
    - Long load times currently for any chapter of the Tutorial
    - Tutorial tips may show for the wrong controller type
    - Ships can sometimes sink into landing platforms during MP Free Flight
    - Characters can spawn as only eyes without a body
    - Characters will sometimes not have a head when viewed by other clients
    - Combustion Pistol cannot be equipped in AC
    - If two players enter Squadron Battle or Capture the Core as a team, they'll be put on opposing teams
    - Client crash may occur when hitting X after colliding with an asteroid
    - Client crash while interacting with various lobby elements by invited players
    - Client crash sometimes occurs when typing 'quit' in the console or exiting in the Options Menu

    Full list of Known Issues available soon.


    As with all new PTU publishes, you will need to re-copy your account over at

    Instructions for Public Test Universe:

    - Log on to with your normal credentials
    - Click My RSI on the top right, then My Account, then Public Test Universe (in yellow) or go to
    - Click “Copy account to PTU” to start the account copy process over from the Live Service to the PTU Service. This process may take several minutes to complete.
    - Once done, you’ll receive an email with your PTU password and additional instructions for how to access the service.

    Happy (bug) hunting!

    Quelle: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.c ... dt-9pm-gmt

    Greys0n und Sanctury gefällt das

  2. PTU 1.1.0 Patch ist ab sofort Online und Spielbar geworden.


    Anbei die Notes:



    **Added Free Flight Multiplayer
    **Added Assisted Approach landing mode to Free Flight (engaged using N)
    **Added Automatic Approach landing mode to Free Flight (engaged using middle mouse button while Assisted Approach is active)
    **Added groundwork tech for new ship damage state system
    **Added the Rental Equipment Credits system
    **Gladius is now combat ready
    **Added new ship damage state system to the Gladius
    **Redesigned ballistic weapons so they have their own loadouts which will allow them to automatically be attached with ammunition
    User Interface
    **Added identifier numbers to the end of non-unique Vanduul in Vanduul swarm
    **Added an altimeter for Assisted Approach mode to show ships how far away from the platform the ship is
    **Added Rental Equipment Credits to scoreboard (the total value of credits earned is not calculated until the match is over)
    **Added custom sensitivity curves to control options
    **Added backend support to allow the creation of subgroups within subgroups in control options
    **Added new error messages for when a client fails to connect to a match (these are currently not working and will show a blank error box)
    **Added Simpod to hangar (replaces ship cockpit arena commander menu)
    **Added Xian ship miniature
    **Added Khartu-Al ship miniature

    **Increased number of landing platforms in Free Flight to 8
    **Changed friendly fire system - Pilots now receive "Infractions" for doing an amount of friendly fire damage in a short space of time. Too many of these causes them to be kicked from the game
    **Comstab is less aggressive in how quickly it decelerates the ship which will lead to some drift
    **Scoreboard is now bound to the tab key
    **Freelook is now bound right ctrl+tab
    **Crouch is now bound to ctrl
    **G-safe now limits based on ship velocities rather than set points
    **Updated lighting system for 300 series
    **Aurora headlights system updated to use multiple light sources
    **Replaced Mass Driver Cannon fire sound with something more appropriate for a 60mm Ballistic (was laser)
    **Weapon mounts have been adjusted so that gimbaled mounts now hold weapons that are one size smaller than the mount. Fixed mounts still hold weapon sizes equal to the mount
    User Interface
    **Removed Arena Commander UI from all ship cockpits (available through Simpod and escape menu)
    **G-safe light deactivates when boost is held down
    **Self-destruct is now a customizable binding
    **Holotable now sorts items based on type, subtype (where applicable) and name
    **Holotable can now be interacted with after pressing F (no longer need to press tab)
    **Changed importing custom control setups so that it allows the entire default profile to be overridden based on forum feedback

    **Fixed an issue that was causing AI pilots to misjudge the position of a ship they were trying to avoid
    **Fixed final kill alert sound playing any time a ships is destroyed after a pilot reaches 13000 points in battle royale
    **Fixed a bug where calculated torque was occasionally incorrect causing instability in the ship
    **Fixed issue that was causing thrusters to twitch back and forth
    **Fixed Vanduul missiles skipping their flight phase in Coop Vanduul Swarm
    **300 series have their starboard cooling components
    **350r will sometimes spawn with damaged components
    **Mustang Beta will no longer have one of the doors in the cabin float above it if it’s used
    **Fixed several shield generators having visible one sided geometry in the holotable
    User Interface
    **Fixed an issue that was causing the game client to steal mouse focus when loading into the hangar
    Other issues:
    **Fixed issue where character will sometimes spawn with the helmet on backwards

    Known Issues:
    **Missiles do not despawn after they explode which causes the missile evaded message to be displayed even if the missile hits
    **Ships are not able to take off if a pilot reenters a seat after they land using automatic approach
    **Landing ships in Multiplayer Free Flight can cause network divergence issues
    **Some ships are not able to be exited or entered after landing them in Free Flight
    **Using HOMAS or TrackIR whilst using Target Focus causes the players head to shake and move uncontrollably
    **Opening the holotable multiple times can cause the game to crash
    **ESP is being overly aggressive
    **All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core
    **350r mass is off center and causes the ship to be difficult to control
    **Aurora intakes aren't displaying paint
    **Aurora are not showing lateral G-force animations for the character
    **Some parts of the nose section for the Avenger are not taking damage
    **Entering the back seat of the Gladiator plays the animation for entering the front seat.
    **Gladius damage system isn't working correctly for parts of the ship that fall off
    **Gladius loses its armor textures when hit with a few missiles
    **Mustang mass is off center and causes the ship to be difficult to control
    **Mustangs are using the wrong maneuvering thrusters
    **M50 g-force animations are negatively affecting control of the ship
    **Elevator animation for the Constellation Taurus and Andromeda does not play correctly
    **Cutlass isn't attaching its Trireme thrusters for its default loadout
    **Cutlass Trireme thrusters are not able to be attached in the holotable (this will be left this way until they are ready for use)
    **Character is sunk into the seat when sitting in the Cutlass Blue and Red
    **Freelancer loading ramp has no collision
    **Freelancer Main Thrusters are missing
    **Retaliator is not loading in the hangar
    **User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions
    **Some ballistic weapons are missing ammunition from their default loadouts
    **MaxOx NN-13 Neutron Cannon - Misnamed as MaxOx NP-14 Neutron Cannon
    **Adjusted weapon tech setup that was preventing the 9-Series Longsword from animating when fired
    **Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory
    **Missiles aren't inheriting velocity from the ship that launches them
    **Seal Corporation damage effect displays incorrectly when equipped on an Aurora
    **Seal Corporation shield generators will not be visible when equipped to Hornets
    User Interface
    **Lag pips will drop out with increased distance depending on how quickly a ship is approaching their target (only happens within a few hundred meters)
    **Shield hardpoint in the holotable is too small for Mustangs and 300 series
    **Shield component on the Aurora ship status HUD is too large
    **Ship status HUD for Gladius will display damage incorrectly
    **Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched
    **Multiple in game items and ships are missing text and are displaying their internal names
    **Paint objects in the holotable are placeholders
    **Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default (sometimes this doesn’t happen visually but still happens on the backend)
    **Power throttle doesn't work
    **There are several locations in the hangars where the character can fall out of the world


    Quelle: https://forums.rober...scussion/237881

    Greys0n und Sierra76 gefällt das

  3. Star Citizen Patch v1.0.2 ist Online auf dem PTU

    • Added audio to several usable locations in the Redeemer
    • Players are now notified when being removed from a match due to attacking allies
    • Added a ‘shields’ section to the holotable

    • Mustang Gamma and Omega have had their handling improved to reduce their drift
    • Tweaked Rattler Cluster missile so that second stage rockets will detonate at separate time intervals if they miss

    • 350r is able to have a Talon Stalker Twin Rack mounted on it in the holotable
    • Fixed some of the issues that causes Hornets to leave their landing gear down
    • Hornet Canard Turret texture no longer pops in and out with distance
    • Entering the seat of the Gladiator will no longer swap to the rear view camera
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the system from kicking players persistently attacking allies
    • Fixed an issue where using HOMAS or TrackIR whilst using Target Focus causes the players head to shake and move uncontrollably
    • Fixed an instance where the repsawn widow would overlay the scoreboard at the end of a race
    • Updated keyboard control image to remove zoom from bracket [] keys
    • Fixed an issue that would prevent preset controls from appearing in the control list
    • Kicking a player from the lobby will no longer cause lobby errors
    • Fixed an issue that would cause character names to duplicate when moving around and readying up in a lobby
    • Deluxe hangar ceiling fans will no longer flicker when viewed from ground level
    • Fixed some graphical flickering in the Self Land hangar

    Known Issues:

    • 350r will sometimes spawn with damaged components
    • Avenger maneuvering effects are green
    • Avenger decelerates much faster than it accelerates
    • Mustang Beta can have one of the doors in the cabin float above it if it’s used
    • Back seat of the Super Hornet cannot be exited
    • All ships aside from the Hornet are missing ship trails when carrying a Core
    • Several ships are having radar visibility issues due to the helmet blocking the view
    • Freelancer loading ramp has no collision
    • Defeating another players ship will cause Capture the Core matches to end
    • Rattler Cluster missile second stage rockets will all use the same trajectory
    • User folder issues can cause weapon ammunition to go missing as well as other ship component malfunctions
    • Missiles have a small portion of the ship targeting UI on them after being launched
    • Character will sometimes spawn with the helmet on backwards
    • Paint objects in the holotable are placeholder
    • Multiple players persistently moving around in a lobby will cause their ship selections to overlap
    • Loading back into a lobby will reset the ship selection to its default (sometimes this doesn’t happen visually but still happens on the backend)
    • Ship selection resets to default the 2nd time a player loads into a game mode in the same lobby

    Greys0n gefällt das

  4. Hallo zusammen CiG hat ein Alpha PU gestartet schaut mal rein und macht euch ein eindruck.


    Kurz vor der Veröffentlichung von Arena Commander 1.0 wurde für einen kleinen Teil der Citizens bereits das Public Test Universe (PTU) gestaret. 

    Dieses ist nun für alle Citizens freigeschalten. Das PTU stellt eine Testumgebung dar, in welcher bereits neue noch nicht veröffentlichte Patches ausprobiert werden können. Aktuell beinhaltet das PTU die Arena Commander Version 1.0.1.

    Bitte beachtet, dass eben durch die Testumgebung, nicht alle Dinge wie gewohnt funktionieren und mit Abstürzen zu rechnen ist. Das PTU ist vorrangig für Citizens gedacht, welche CIG auch wirklich bei der Fehlersuche und Fehlerbehebung behilflich sein möchten.

    Habt Ihr Fehler im PTU entdeckt, so können diese hier gemeldet werden. Generelles Feedback zum PTU könnt Ihr hier abgeben.

    Die aktuelle Version 1.0.1 enthält größtenteils nur Fehlerbehebungen welche in Version 1.0 entdeckt wurden. Das nächste große Update mit neuen Features wird die Version 1.1 sein.

    Zugang zum PTU

    1. In eurem RSI Account unter Settings, findet Ihr den neuen Bereich - PUBLIC TEST UNIVERSE
    2. Klickt dort auf "Copy account to PTU". Damit werden alle eure Schiffe, Pakete und weiteren Objekte auch im PTU zugänglich sein. Ihr erhaltet für diesen PTU Account nun eine Email samt seperaten PTU Login-Daten.
    3. Öffnet den Star Citizen Launcher und dort die Settings / Optionen.
    4. Wählt "Public Test Universe" in der Channel Liste aus und speichert und schließt die Optionen.
    5. Loggt euch aus dem Star Citizen Launcher aus und beendet diesen. Anschließend den Launcher neu starten und mit den PTU Account Daten, welche Ihr per Email erhalten habt, neu einloggen.
    6. Viel Spaß im Public Test Universe!

    Bitte beachtet, dass das PTU nicht immer zugänglich sein wird. Ihr könnt euch nur einloggen, wenn CIG für neue Patches/Updates auch das Feedback aus der Community benötigt. Wenn ein neuer Patch für die Live-Umgebung veröffentlicht wird, erfolgt zeitgleich die temporäre Schließung des PTU. Wenn ein neuer Patch zum Test im PTU bereit steht, werden wir von CIG darüber informiert.


    Das PTU im Sandox-Mode erreicht ihr über folgenden Link: httρs://

    Hier könnt ihr wie gewohnt euren Account konfigurieren, diesmal jedoch auf dem Testserver. Für den Login wird daher auch das neue Passwort aus der E-Mail benötigt!


    Fly Safe Ladys :D

    MFg Chili




    ---EDIT Mithrim 21.01.2015---

    Sarpedon, Sam Richards und Sanctury gefällt das